
CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Today’s work is intended to establish some maxes, but also perform submaximal work using those numbers. Your ”50%” should be sustainable for ALL 3 sets of each.

– Metcon: Today’s metcon is meant to give you roughly 2-2.5x as much rest as work so you should be able to sustain 80% throughout all rounds. Post all of your splits. Then proceed right into your 200 ft. Handstand walk.

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A: Chin-Ups (AMRAP x 1 set.)


3 Sets of 50% of Max Reps. Rest 90s.

B: Handstand Push-ups (AMRAP x 1 set)


3 Sets of 50% of Max Reps. Rest 90s.

C: L-Sit (AMRAP x 1 set)


3 Sets of 50% of Max Time. Rest 60s.


D: Metcon (Time)

Every 4:00 x 5 Sets:

20 Walking Lunges (BW) (total reps)

15 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95)

1 Legless Rope Climb

50 Double Unders

Score today = slowest split

Then right into,

200 Ft. Handstand Walk for time

E: 200ft handstand walk for time. (Time)

Accessory Work

F: Metcon (No Measure)

7 Minutes of Max Reps:

Banded OH Tricep Extensions

Banded Pulldowns

Banded Pull-aparts

*Shoot for 120+ total reps of each

*Each set should be at least 25 reps

Categories: WOD

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