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CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Metcon: This will be performed in teams of 3. You should be working around 100% effort as rest will allow for some recovery, but remember that 100% with this type of work is very different than 100% with thrusters/burpees. Teams will split up work as needed.

Team members can alternate between pushing and pulling the sled for varied stimulus. Recovery should be at a light pace. Complete each movement for max distance. If unable to use a DBall or sandbag opt for a Zercher Carry and a Front Rack Carry with the same barbell (alternate between the two.) This can also be done with a Yoke if you have access.

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A: Metcon (Distance)

In teams of 3:

Each for Max Distance:

10 Minutes of Farmer Carry (AHAP)

10 Minutes of Sled Push x (MODERATE)

10 Minutes of Barbell Back Rack Carry (155, 105)

10 Minutes of DBall Carry against stomach x Max Distance OR Heavy Sandbag (150, 100)

10 Minutes of Easy Recovery i.e. bike, row, jog at a conversational pace.

Accessory Work

B: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing

Categories: WOD

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