CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Skill: Today you’ll perform one gymnastics movement different from last week. Try not to repeat HSPU which we did yesterday unless of course, you weren’t here yesterday.
– Metcon: Today’s metcon is intended to be done at 75% effort for all sets. You’ll only have enough rest for partial recovery to sustain your efforts. All work should be completed UB.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Grab a light KB and complete:
5 Russian Swings Left
5 Russian Swings Right
5 KB Push Press Right
5 KB Push Press Left
20 Figure 8s
5 KB Front Squat Right
5 KB Front Squat Left
5 KBS (american)
20 KB Hand Switches (10 each)
Review Gymnastics Skills + Get medballs out
B: Metcon (No Measure)
CF Gymnastics Open Skills
30s of Skill Practice
*Different skill than last week
C: Metcon (No Measure)
Every 5:00 x 5 Sets:
Row 400 Meters
15 KBS (53, 35)
30 Double Under
L2: (45, 30) (Double Under Attempts)
L1: (300m Row) (30 Single Unders) (35, 25 Russian Swings)
Extra Credit
D: Hollow Hold (3 x 10-20s.)
*After each set complete 50 Double Leg Banded Leg Curls