
CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: This is the FINAL week of our Power Clean + Jerk. All of these work sets should be challenging. Your last 3 sets of 1 should be smooth. There should be no misses here.

– Metcon: 100% effort on this workout. This is intended to be light/fast. You should aim for sub 7 minutes on this piece. This was last tested on 10/4.

Sledwork should be challenging and completed with a weight choice that allows you to be forceful on each step.

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A: Power Clean + Push Jerk (4 x 2 @85% of two Monday’s ago, every 90s.)

Then 3 x 1@90%, every 90s.


B: Tugboat (Time)

2 RFT:

25 Power Cleans (115, 75)

25 Bar Facing Burpees

L3: (95, 65)

L2: (75, 55)

L1: (95, 65 Clean Grip Deadlifts) (Regular Burpees)

10:00 Cap

Metcon (Weight)

Sledpull Powerwalk: 6 x 60 yards, AHAP. Rest 60s.

Backward Sledpull, Backpedal: 6 x 60 yards @3/4 weight used for #2. Rest 60s

Accessory Work

C: Banded Pull-Through (4 x 30. Rest 60s.)

– First 2 sets medium stance

– Last 2 sets ultra-wide stance

Categories: WOD

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