90s Hip Hop

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Build to a challenging set of Power Clean + Squat Clean over the course of 6-7 sets.
– Conditioning: This workout will challenge your lungs and grip – pick a load you can work without excessive rest and pace that is sustainable – hint: start slow and adjust as the workout progresses.

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A: 1 Power Clean +1 Squat Clean (Build to a heavy set. Rest 2:00)

1 Set = 1 power clean + 1 squat – not done touch n go.

Alternate Strength – Back Squat: 5 x 5. Rest 90s.

Metcon prep: Review Rope Climb & Scaling

B: Sumo Stance RDLs w. bands pulling forward (5 x 6-8. Rest 90s.)



C: 90s Hip Hop (Time)

For time:


Squat Cleans (155, 105)


Rope Climbs

Rx+: (185, 125) (Legless Rope Climbs)

L3: (135, 95)

L2: (115, 75) (Ground to Standing)

L1: (95, 65) (Ring Rows x 3)

Beginner – Sub 20-15-10-5 Goblet Squats for Cleans

11:00 Time Cap

Extra Credit

D: X-Band Walk (4 Minutes Max Reps)

*Every 10 steps complete 10 Banded Good mornings

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