Actively Recover

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Recovery: Today should be similar to past weeks with the inclusion of some work to help keep the workout interesting. The ”AMRAP” section of this should be easy and your HR should not exceed 150 BPM. Ideally, your average HR for this session will be around 135-140 BPM.

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds of:

8 Minute Row

8 Minute Bike

4 Minute Jog

4 Minutes of:

3 Power Cleans (light touch n go, perfect form)

6 Push-ups

9 Air Squats

@130-150 BPM

– This should be easy/sustainable work.

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Prone Leg Curls x 100-150 Reps


5 Minutes of “Recovery” P. Breathing

Categories: WOD

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