CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Week 1 of Speed Work with the Box Squat. Use a wide-stance and a weight that you can move fast and efficiently with for all sets. We’ll then culminate our strength work with some explosive strength work with the KB squat jumps. These are done for maximal height on each jump.
– Metcon: Today’s metcon involves hip-extensions (Deadlifts) and hip-flexion (T2B) with 60s rest between sets. This is to allow you to sustain a high level of output. Use a load for the deadlift that is challenging but allows you to maintain perfect technique.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Complete 5 minutes x 50 ft of:
– High Knees
– Butt Kickers
– Walking Lunge with a twist
– Jumping Jack Shuttle
– Back Pedal
– 90 Degree Hip Rotation,
Then 3 sets of “get-up” sprints increasing in intensity on each subsequent set.
– have people lay on the ground – supine. On your clap they will get to their feet and “sprint” 50 ft starting off at 50% intensity and building to 80%.
Grab Barbells, Set-up in rack and start drilling the Box Squat with empty bars adding light weight each set.
B: Wide Stance Box Squats (3/5 x 5 @60% of Mon 3RM/50% of 1RM Bk Sq, 90sRest )
– If you’re able to use chains or bands, use them and perform all sets with 50% of 1RM Back Squat.
– For what Dynamic Effort Training should look like check this video out here.
C: KB Squat Jumps (1/4 x 5. Rest 60s.)
– max height on each rep.
Metcon Prep
D: Warm-up (No Measure)
Warm-up Deadlift/T2B for Metcon – 3 total sets done as a superset of each.
E: Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds for total time:
20 Deadlifts (225, 155)
20 T2B
Rest 2:00
L3: (185, 125)
L2: (155, 105) (Knee Lifts)
L1: (135, 95) (Abmat Sit-ups)
*16:00 Time Cap