
CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Week 2 of our Submaximal effort Back Squat Work – the final sets should challenge you but there should be no breakdown in form.
– Metcon: This workout should be performed around 90% effort meaning near a “sprint” pace. Burpees over the bar will be done laterally. Empty your tank on the burpees.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

*Grab a band and moderate KB

1 Round of:

10 Dynamic Pigeon Pose (5 per side)

5 Cook Squat + OH reach

5 Walk outs to Down Dog

5 + 5 Russian swings/Goblet Squats

Then, grab a barbell and complete:

2 Rounds:

8 Romanian Deadlift

8 Front squats

8 Goodmornings (wide stance)

5 Tempo back squats (3131)


B: Back Squat Submaximal Work (1 x 4, 1 x 4, 1 x 3, 1 x 3, 2 x 3. Rest 2-3:00)

1 x 5 @50%, 1 x 4 @60%, 1 x 3 @70%, 1 x 3 @80%, 3 x 3 @85%. Rest 90s-2:00.

*Rest 2:00 between sets at 85%.
*Rest 3:00 between sets of 90%

C: Touch ‘n Go Deadlift (3 x 3, adding weight. Rest 60s.)


D: Batwings (Time)

For time:

30 Calorie Bike

30 Deadlifts (225, 155)

30 Lateral Burpees

L3: (185, 135)

L2: (155, 105)

L1: (60s Max Cals on Bike) (135, 95) (Regular Burpees or Squat Thrusts)

Alternate Scaling

Bike = 45 Calorie Row or 30 Cal Ski Erg or 400m Run

9:00 Cap

Extra Credit

E1: Double Leg Band Curls (100 Reps)

E2: Reverse Hyper (4 x 25. Rest 60s.)

Categories: WOD

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