
CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Week 1 of Dynamic Effort work with the snatch complex and clean complex.

– Metcon: Today’s piece should be relatively easy, meaning you should be able to complete all sets without too much trouble. The seated dynamic box jumps are used as a neural charge tool to prime your CNS for 19.2 Go slightly higher than last week.

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A: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch (EMOM 6 @75% of 1RM.)

B: 3 Deadlift, 2 Power Clean, 1 Squat Clean (EMOM 6 @75% of Monday’s)

As a complex. Doesn’t have to be TnG, but don’t take hands off of bar.


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

AMRAP 20 of:

1Lap Asymmetrical Carry (Switch sides at half)

3 Lap Sledpull Powerwalk

5 Seated Dynamic Box Jumps

Rest as needed (60-90s)

Accessory Work

D: Recovery Breathing (Time)

Recover 120-130BPM

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

45 Minutes Zone 1 Recovery Work.
Choose one or many devices. Row, run, bke, swim, sledpull.

Accessory Work

B: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minutes of Global Recovery Foam Rolling

5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing

Sustain UB!

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Skill: Today you’ll perform one gymnastics movement different from last week. Try not to repeat HSPU which we did yesterday unless of course, you weren’t here yesterday.
– Metcon: Today’s metcon is intended to be done at 75% effort for all sets. You’ll only have enough rest for partial recovery to sustain your efforts. All work should be completed UB.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Grab a light KB and complete:

5 Russian Swings Left

5 Russian Swings Right

5 KB Push Press Right

5 KB Push Press Left

20 Figure 8s

5 KB Front Squat Right

5 KB Front Squat Left

5 KBS (american)

20 KB Hand Switches (10 each)


Review Gymnastics Skills + Get medballs out


B: Metcon (No Measure)

CF Gymnastics Open Skills


30s of Skill Practice
*Different skill than last week


C: Metcon (No Measure)

Every 5:00 x 5 Sets:

Row 400 Meters

15 KBS (53, 35)

30 Double Under
L2: (45, 30) (Double Under Attempts)

L1: (300m Row) (30 Single Unders) (35, 25 Russian Swings)

Extra Credit

D: Hollow Hold (3 x 10-20s.)
*After each set complete 50 Double Leg Banded Leg Curls

Doesn’t Take Long

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: This is the final week of our banded push press work. Weights should be heavier but all sets should be fast/efficient.
– Metcon: Today’s metcon should challenge both the lungs and local muscle endurance. It’s likely your output will fall off on this one so having a solid strategy with all elements of this workout is important. Effort should be around 80%.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Partner up and complete

18 Calories on the Bike each at a moderate pace


50 Ft. Partner Wheelbarrow each

40 Medball Chest passes total

30 Shoulder Taps (each athlete)

20 Medball Chest Passes

10 Burpees (each)

50 Ft. Partner Wheelbarrow


Review Banded Push Press + HSPU scaling


B: Speed Push Press against single strand band (6 x 2 @65-70% of three Friday’s ago, every 90s.)
– Beginner: 5 x 5, no band. Rest 90s.

– If you’re not using bands perform all sets at 85% of 1RM, every 2:00.


HSPU: Make sure scaling is on point.


C: Metcon (Time)

5 RFT:

18/15 Calories Bike

15 T2B

Rx+:(Ski Erg Cals) (Strict HSPU)

L3: (HSPU to 1 Abmat)

L2: (90s Bike) (Knee Lifts) (Box Push-ups x 12 per rd)

L1: (90s Bike) (Abmat Sit-ups) (Box Push-ups x 8 per rd)

21:00 Cap

*Additional Options

400 Meter Run or 18/15 Calorie Ski Erg or 30/25 Calorie Row

Extra Credit

KB Hammer Curls (4 x 10. Rest 60s.)
*Between sets complete 30 Banded Pull-aparts with an underhand grip.

Doesn’t Take Long

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Final week of Speed Push Press. Speed should still be maintained despite slightly heavier loading.

– Metcon: Today’s work should be completed between 75-80% effort (slower on the cyclical piece to ensure recovery between sets.) T2B and HSPU should be completed UB today.

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A: Push Press w/ bands (5 x 3 @75% of three Friday’s ago, every 90s.)

B: Inverted Barbell Rows (5 x 12. Rest 60s. – supinated grip)


C: Metcon (Time)

5 RFT:

18/15 Calories Bike OR Ski Erg

15 T2B

9 Strict HSPU

Accessory Work

D: KB Hammer Curls (4 x 10. Rest 60s.)
*Between sets complete 30 Banded Pull-aparts with an underhand grip.


CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Build to a max over the course of 6-7 sets. You’ll need this number for the next three weeks DE work

– Metcon: ”Elvis.” This workout should be heavy and done as fast singles. Shoot for sub 9 minutes and have a plan in place with how much you’ll need to complete each minute.

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A: 3 Deadlift, 2 Power Clean, 1 Squat Clean (6-7 sets to find max in the complex.)

As a complex. Doesn’t have to be TnG, but don’t take hands off of bar.


B: Elvis (Time)

For time:

30 Squat Cleans (185, 125)

Rx+:(225, 145)

L3: (155, 105)

L2: (135, 95)

L1: (95, 65)

*10:00 Cap

Beginner Alternate Workout:


8-10 Thrusters (light)

8 Burpees

Accessory Work

C: Glute-Ham Raises (Accumulate 50 reps at Bodyweight. Rest 60-90s.)


CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Build to a max load in the barbell complex of 3 deadlifts + 2 power cleans + 1 squat clean without removing your hands from the bar. You have a full 20 minutes so rest as much as needed between sets. We’ll be performing percentage work using this number starting Thursday.

– Metcon: Squat cleans are intended to be heavy and done as singles. Challenge yourself with this one. Form a strategy to complete a certain amount of work each minute as if this was an EMOM.

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

Grab a band and Complete:

20 Walking BW Lunges

10 Air Squats

20 Scorpions (total)

10 Hollow Rocks

20 Banded Goodmornings

10 X-Band Walks Left

10 X-Band Walks Right

10 X-Band Walks Forward

10 X-Band Walks Backward


Grab barbells and complete:

2 Deadlifts + 2 Power Cleans + 2 Squat

*reset + repeat


B: 3 Deadlift, 2 Power Clean, 1 Squat Clean (Find a 1RM of complex over 6-8 sets.)

As a complex. Doesn’t have to be TnG, but don’t take hands off of bar.
*All done without removing hands from the bar. Doesn’t have to be TnG, but stay gripped.

*Build to a max over the course of 6-8 sets. Rest 2:00 between sets.

– Beginner: Practice with a light load or empty barbell. Perform 4×8 challenging Goblet Box Squats between sets.


C: Elvis (Time)

For time:

30 Squat Cleans (185, 125)

Rx+:(225, 145)

L3: (155, 105)

L2: (135, 95)

L1: (95, 65)

*10:00 Cap

Beginner Alternate Workout:


8-10 Thrusters (light)

8 Burpees

Extra Credit

D: Metcon (No Measure)

3-5 Minutes of Light Foam Rolling

3-5 Minutes of Light Static Stretching

Open WOD 19.1

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

Open WOD 19.1 consists of AMRAP 15 of 19 Wall balls and 19 calorie Row. The goal today is to start with a slower pace and increase your intensity as needed, you’ll pay the price if you start too fast. Breaking your sets early on the wall balls to keep limb fatigue at bay is a good idea. For your sets on the rower think longer and more powerful strokes as calories are about power output.

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

Complete 1 round at a slow pace:

19 Wall balls

19 Calories on the bike

Complete 1-2 rounds at a moderate pace.

10 Walking Lunges

10 Medball Cleans

10 Burpees

10 Single Leg Glute Bridges (2 count at top) each

*Once each group is done athletes will switch places.


B: Crossfit Games Open 19.1 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)

Complete as many rounds as possible in

15 minutes of:

19 wall-ball shots

19-cal. row

Men throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target

Women throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

C: Crossfit Games Open 19.1 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)

Complete as many rounds as possible in

15 minutes of:

19 wall-ball shots

19-cal. row

Men throw 14-lb. ball to 10-ft. target

Women throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

Accessory Work

D: Metcon (No Measure)

Ultra Wide Stance Banded Pull-Through: 5 x 20. Rest 30s.


5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing

Pace yourself

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

Partner up.

Set-up all equipment and complete 1 round for each athlete of:

10 Box Jump w. step down

10 KBS

10 Hand Release Push-ups

10 Hang Power Cleans

10 Abmat Sit-ups


B: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds of 2:00 on with a partner:

2:00 of Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)

2:00 of KBS (53, 35)

2:00 of Hand Release Push-ups

2:00 Hang Power Cleans (115, 75)

2:00 Abmat Sit-ups

*One person works. Split however desired

Remember to stay sub maximal if doing the open tomorrow.

L3: (95, 65)

L2: (20, 15) (35, 25) (Box Push-ups) (75, 55)

L1: (20, 15) (Box Push-ups) (65, 45)

Extra Credit

C: Metcon (No Measure)

Group Stretch

and 200 band pull aparts

Other work

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

If you can split these sessions up, do so.

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A: Bench Press (5,4,3,2,1,1,1. 1RM after a lot of reps)

B: Barbell Row (4×15. Rest 60 Seconds)

C1: Incline Tricep Extension (3×15. Rest 30)

C2: Band Pull Aparts (3×100. Rest 30 seconds)

D: Metcon (No Measure)

Plank against a band
6 x 20s on/10s off.

E: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds of 2:00 on with a partner:

2:00 of Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)

2:00 of KBS (53, 35)

2:00 of Hand Release Push-ups

2:00 Hang Power Cleans (115, 75)

2:00 Abmat Sit-ups


800 Meter Farmer Carry w. sled attached to your belt (light sled) (35, 25 Kettlebells). This is done on your own.

*One person works. Split however desired