CrossFit Carolina Beach – Express Fit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds for quality
10 air squats
20 sec plank hold
10 band pull-aparts
Main Lift
B: Deficit Sumo KB Deadlift (5 x 10-12 w/ 2 second eccentric deadlift)
Stand on 45lb plates
Accessory Lifts
C1: Single Leg Glute Bridge (5 x 8 per leg)
Glute bridge with one leg pointed up in the air.
rest 20-30 sec before other leg
C2: Sled Push (5 x 1 lap)
Cash Out
C: Sit-Up Tabata (AMRAP – Reps)
try to get the same amount each effort, so pace the first and hold that tempo!