Jerk 1RM

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Build to a 1RM over the course of 8-10 sets. Compare to heavy single completed on 6/1.
Medium Grip Bench Press should take between 5-6 sets. Your drop sets should allow for 10+ reps for each set; these do not need to be precise calculations. Go by feel.

– Metcon: Today we are looking for managing your shoulder fatigue. The 60s rest after each set is there to keep your level of effort consistent. This should NOT be a sprint. More like 80% aerobic power work. Complete all sets UB if possible of C2B/HSPU/WB. Double Unders should be split into sets that keep your heart-rate at low.

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A: Push Jerk (1RM)

Both split and push are here for you to record which you go with. Don’t do both.

A: Split Jerk (1RM)

Both split and push are here for you to record which you go with. Don’t do both.

B: Bench Against Bands/chains. (6RM + 2 Drop sets x max Reps. Rest 90s.)

Set 1: Drop load by 15% @Close Grip

Set 2: Drop load by 30% @Wide Grip

*These do not need to be exact. Drop to the weight so you can complete 10+ Reps.


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


5 C2B Pull-ups

7 Handstand Push-ups (Any Style)

9 Wallballs (30, 20)

100 Double Unders

Rest 60s after each round

Accessory Work

D1: Chest Supported Dynamic Iso Rows (100 Total reps)
100 Total Reps. Rest as needed.

This work should be relatively easy and able to be done in high-rep sets ~30 reps per set

D2: Nuetral Grip DB Floor Press (100 Total Reps)
100 Total Reps. Rest as needed.

This work should be relatively easy and able to be done in high-rep sets ~30 reps per set

Categories: WOD

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