CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
3:00 – 8:00
Perform 5 Minutes of Box Programming Dynamic Warm-up which will consist of:
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Inside Taps
Outside Taps
A Skip
B Skip
Knee Hug + Lunge w. forearm to floor + Thoracic Rotation + toe point
8:00 – 15:00
Review Front Box Squat
Review Single Leg Box Jumps
Review Russian KBS
Review Goblet Squats
B: Front Box Squats (Regular Stance: 6 x 3 @85% of 8/26, every 60s.)
– Rx+: (Use 25% of Max in Band Tensions and 60% of Straight weight on the bar)
– If no 1RM Front Box Squat use 70% of 1RM Front Squat
C: Single Leg Box Jump (6 x 3 ea. Rest 60s after both sides complete.)
L2/L1: Double Leg Box Jumps to a challenging height – 8 x 5. Rest 60s.
D: Metcon (No Measure)
4 Rounds – not for time:
UB 100 Meter Farmer Carry (70, 53)
25 Russian KBS (70, 53)
25 Goblet Squats (70, 53)
Rest as needed.
*If you put the KBS down during the carry access 1 Minute Wallsit hold for each time KBS are put down during the carry.
L3: (53, 35)
L2: (45, 30)
L1: (Heavy Carry, but lighter for movements)
20:00 Time Cap
Extra Credit
E: Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls (AMRAP – Reps)
3 x 30-50 ea. Rest as needed.