
CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: All sets of your strength superset should be challenging but executed with perfect form. The Single Arm DB Bench will challenge your rotary stability.
– Conditioning: Today’s work is done with a partner completing a full round at a time. You should be able to maintain a high level of output for the entire 17 minutes.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 – 5:00 – SMR

Foam Roll Lats x 30s each

5:00 – 10:00

15 Calories on the Rower with your partner (each perform 15 cals)

*Waiting partner performs max reps Banded Pull-aparts

10:00 – 15:00

Review DB Hang Power Snatch

15:00 – 20:00

2 Rounds with increasing weight:

6 1-Arm DB Bench Press each

8 1-Arm KB Rows each

15 Banded Pulldowns

*Rest as needed.


B1: Single Arm DB Bench Press (neutral grip: 4 x 6-8 ea. Rest 30s.)

Neutral Grip

B2: 1-Arm KB Row w. a pause (neutral grip: 4 x 8-10 ea. Rest 30s.)


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


21 Air Squats

15 Calories on Rower (12 Calories)

9 DB Hang Power Snatch (50, 35) (9 Reps each side)

*One athlete completes a full round at a time.

L3: (45, 30)

L2: (35, 25)

L1: (30, 20)

Extra Credit

D: Prone Rear Lateral Raise 21s (3 x 15. Rest 60s.)

7 pronated grip + 7 neutral grip + 7 supinated grip.

Categories: WOD

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