Partner WO

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon: Fun but difficult partner workout today. Work with your partner to come up with a good strategy that will keep you consistent throughout. Work is split as desired but try to keep it pretty even. Advanced athletes will also perform 20 muscle ups before heading out on the last mile run.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

-Part A

With a band

30-second pigeon pose each side

20 Banded Pulldowns

10 Slow Band OHS – band overhead as if it was a barbell

-Part B (coach lead)

1 Round with a PVC and 1 Round with barbell

5 Hang muscle snatch

5 Hang power snatch

5 slow OHS

5 Power snatch from mid-shin + ohs

5 Squat snatches

**If you have a very large class you can have partner 1 doing part A and partner 2 doing part B; then switch


B: Metcon (Time)

For time with a partner:

“Buy in”

1 Mile Medball Run (20, 14)

“Karen + Isabel”

150 Wall Balls (20, 14)

30 Snatches (135, 95)


1 Mile Run (no medball)

*One person works. Split as desired.

Rx+:(30, 20) (155, 105) (Add 20 Ring Muscle-ups)

L3: (115, 75)

L2: (14, 10) (95, 65)

L1: (10, 8) (75, 55)

30:00 Time Cap

Extra Credit

C: Hammer Curls (4 x 10. Rest 60s.)

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