Sep. 17th

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 – 6:00

1 Minute Max Reps Banded Pull-aparts

1 Minute Max Reps Banded Triceps Pushdowns

7:00 – 15:00

Row 750 Meters at a slow pace – denote your time

*Split people into two groups – 1/2 group works on T2B Skill while the other half rows 750 meters at a slow pace.


B1: Close Grip Floor Press (4 x 5. No rest.)

B2: Hammer Curls (4 x 10. Rest 60s.)

*Use fatgripz if possible


C: Metcon (Time)

3 RFT:

750 Meter Row

25 Ft. Handstand Walk (or 100 Shoulder taps)

25 T2B

L3: (15 T2B per round)

L2: (Knee Lifts) (50 Shoulder taps)

L1: (Abmat Sit-ups) (15 Box Push-ups per round)

25:00 Cap

Extra Credit

D: Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Minutes of total body global foam rolling

*Pick 2-3 spots and spend 60-90s on each.

Categories: WOD

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