CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: The purpose of today’s strength work is twofold: improve HSPU skill and capacity. You should work within your ability and not hit failure today.
– Metcon: Much like last Friday’s metcon we are working the strength endurance of the upper-back, core, shoulders. You should be able to work without having to rest excessively today – shoot for 75% for and sustain that for the entire 12 minutes.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Partner Abmat Pizza Game:
*This will be done in teams of 2. Every time one of your teammates drops their abmat you will complete a 50 ft. partner wheelbarrow.
*Note: The wheelbarrow will serve as a core/shoulder warm-up =)
*This warm-up will be done for 8 minutes then the remainder of the time you’ll review Handstand Push-ups.
B: Handstand Push-ups (Choose level you can complete, but will push you)
– Rx+: (Accumulate 20-30 Strict Reps)
– Rx: (Accumulate 5 Strict + 20 Kipping)
– L3: (Accumulate 20-30 Kipping)
– L2: (Accumulate 20 to 1-2 Abmats)
– L1: (Accumulate 30-50 Box Push-ups)
*In between sets complete 20 Banded Facepull-aparts
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
40 Double Unders
30 Walking Lunges (BW)
20 Barbell Rows (95, 65)
10 T2B
Rx+:(End each round with 5/3 Bar Muscle-ups)
L3: (75, 55)
L2: (65, 45) (Knee Lifts)
L1: (20 Walking Lunges per round) (55, 35) (Abmat Sit-ups)