Time Bomb

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Build to a 1RM in the Power Clean + Push Jerk. This should take roughly 8-10 sets. Be smart and try to end on a high note.

– Metcon: The goal of today’s piece is force you to think about a solid strategy so you’re able to ramp up your intensity at of this workout which means you’ll have two separate strategies. This was last tested on 3/25.

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A: Power Clean + Push Jerk (Build to a 1RM. Rest 2:00)

B: Hip Thrust (4 x 6-8. Rest 90s.)

– Choose one weight and use for all sets.


C: Timebomb (AMRAP – Reps)

In 12:00

50 Wallballs (20, 14)

40 Lateral Burpees over the Bar

30 Deadlifts (275, 185)

Remaining time AMRAP: Wallballs

Rx+: (315, 205)

L3: (225, 155)

L2: (14, 10) (165, 115)

L1: (10, 8) (135, 95)

*Score = total wallballs completed

Accessory Work

D: Metcon (No Measure)

Reverse Hypers: 5 x 20. Rest 60s.


Banded Pull-throughs: 4 x 30. Rest 60s.

Run, Forest

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Metcon: Don’t try to set a PR on your first mile run. The goal is to use a pace that will allow you to go right into your burpees without excessive resting. Your second mile interval will be slower than your first but we want to try to stay within 90s of your first split.

You should hit the time cap on this workout. We will retest in 6 months. This workout is about sustaining output – aerobic effort. Some of you may have done this workout before so make sure you are checking your notes and knowing how to beat your previous time – this should be pretty easy to do. Last tested 5/19/18.

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A: Run Forrest (Time)

For time:

Run 1 Mile

100 Burpees

Run 1 Mile

Rx+:(Wear a 20/10# Weighted Vest) (40 Minute Cap for those that wear a vest)

L2: (800m Runs) (75 Burpees)

L1: (50 Burpees or done with a partner)

Alternate Scaling Options:

1500 meter Row for each mile run or 7:00 Bike or Ski Erg

30:00 Cap

Accessory Work

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Sled pull Powerwalk x 8:00 @empty.

– 200 meters forward

– 200 meters backward

Quality is Strength

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Take 8-10 singles and build to a 1RM Bench press. Try to beat your previous max by 5#’s and have a plan in place before starting for how you’re going to beat your old number.
– Metcon: The purpose of today is to focus on quality of movement for each interval. You should have at least 20s of rest after each set.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds of 20s Work/10s Rest of:

1a) Abmat Sit-ups

1b) Alt. Box Step-ups

1c) Banded Triceps Pushdowns

1d) Banded Pull-aparts

*Move through all 4 movements for a total 2 rounds each


Remaining time warm-up/review the Bench Press


B: Bench Press (5-4-3-2-1+. Rest 2:00– Build to a 1RM (1+ = 3-4 si)

– Build to a 1RM (1+ = 3-4 singles above 90%)

– Beginner: Bench Press: 5 x 5, adding weight if form permits.


C: Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM 20:

Minute 1: 15 Hollow Rocks

Minute 2: 12 Ring Rows

Minute 3: 10 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)

Minute 4: 100 Ft. Bear Crawl

L2: (20, 15)

L1: (Abmat Sit-ups) (20, 15 Step-ups) (50 ft. Bear Crawl)

Extra Credit

D: Tricep Rollback Extensions (4 x 15. Rest 60s. )

– same weight as last week.


CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Final week of Back Squat rep work. This week we’ll conclude with some heavier sets, but your goal is still to have perfect mechanics.
– Metcon: Work on being efficient with all movements starting with a pace you can maintain and adjust as you see fit. Snatches should be light. This a benchmark workout.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Box Programming Lower Body Warm-up

With a barbell + foam roller + heavy band

2 Rounds of:

6 RDLs

6 Front Squats

6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

X-Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction

Foam Roll each Adductor x 10 passes each


5 Rollover to split stretch

10 Lateral Cossack Squats

20-30s Banded Ankle Distractions each.


B: Back Squat (3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 1@90%. Rest2:00)

C1: Power Snatch (3 x 3, touch n go preparing for metcon. Rest 30s.)


C3: Wall Balls (2 x 10. Rest 30s.)


D: Nor’easter (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


5 Power Snatches (115, 75)

10 T2B

15 Wallballs (20, 14)

Rx+:(135, 95)(30/20)

L3: (95, 65)

L2: (75, 55) (Knee Lifts) (14, 10)

L1: (65, 45) (Knee Lifts) (10, 8)

Scaling Options:

– Sub Touch n Go Deadlifts with a light to moderate weight

Extra Credit

E: KB Squat with lowering (3 x 6-8. Rest 60s.)



CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Final week of our back squat work. The goal today is to build over the course of 6 sets to 90% for a perfect single. Go off of your most recent back squat and like last week, even if these percentages feel lighter stick to them. We’ll end with some explosive strength work using a new jump variation – these should be done for maximal height.

– Metcon: This workout is about having a strategy that matches your ability in terms of the T2B and breaking wall balls. At no point, should you be at or near failure with the T2B. You should work on being efficient with all movements starting with a pace you can maintain and adjust as you see fit around 75%. Snatches should be light enough to be done touch n go/UB.

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A: Back Squat (Follow percentages below.)

3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 1@90%.

Rest 2:00

B: Band Assisted Squat Jumps (6 x 5. Rest 60s.)



C: Nor’easter (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


5 Power Snatches (115, 75)

10 T2B

15 Wallballs (20, 14)

Rx+:(135, 95)(30/20)

L3: (95, 65)

L2: (75, 55) (Knee Lifts) (14, 10)

L1: (65, 45) (Knee Lifts) (10, 8)

Scaling Options:

– Sub Touch n Go Deadlifts with a light to moderate weight

Accessory Work

D: Metcon (No Measure)

Reverse Hypers: 4 x 25@50% of Back Squat. Rest 60s.


GHD Back Raises: 4 x 15 @BW. Rest 60s.

– add weight


Banded Goodmornings: 4 x 25. Rest 60s.


CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Skill: You have your choice today of two movements that need work. This work the focus is refining movement patterns so at no point should you be grinding out your work.
– GOAT WOD: We’ll then perform a 20-minute EMOM in which you’ll alternate between both of your GOATs. Again, movement efficiency takes precedence. GOAT = scapegoat or weakness.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Bear Crawl Kickball



B: Warm-up (No Measure)

Skill Work Set-up + Review Options:


Light Oly Work

Gymnastics Static Holds

Gymnastics Movements

Cyclical Work ie. row, run, bike

Double Unders

Body Composition Work


*Spend 5 Minutes setting up and helping your athletes decide what to work on.


C: Metcon (No Measure)


EMOM 20:

ODD MINUTES: GOAT #1 x 30-40s of Work

EVEN MINUTES: GOAT #2 x 30-40s of Work

Extra Credit

D: Warm-up (No Measure)

Biceps/Glutes – Alt. Tabata – 8 x 20s work/10s rest:

1a) Glute Bridge

1b) Banded Hammer Curls


CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

keep the HR in between 130-150BPM.

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

30 Minutes on the clock:

2 Mile easy jog

Remaining time AMRAP:

30 Cal Bike

20 Squat Thrusts

10 Ring Rows

20 Air Squats

30 Calorie Row

Accessory Work

B: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing


CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon: Classic CrossFit benchmark workout ”Helen”. The strategy for this workout is highly individually based but will range from going UB on KBS/Pull-ups to splitting work into 2-3 sets as needed. Effort should be around 80-85%.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Run 400 Meters as a group then,

7:00 Minutes of:

Abmat Pizza Game

*For every drop complete 5 air squats, 5 abmat sit-ups, 5 Push-ups

Metcon Prep

B: Metcon (No Measure)

2 Rounds of:

100 Meter Run

10 KBS

6 Pull-ups

Rest 60-90s


C: Helen (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
L3: (45, 25)

L2: (35, 25) (Band Assisted Pull-ups)

L1: (35, 25 Russian Swings) (Ring Rows)

18:00 Cap

Extra Credit

D: Recovery Breathing (Time)


Helen & Ellen

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Metcon: Classic CrossFit benchmark workout ”Helen”. Effort should be around 80-85% – all rounds UB.

For the second piece, you’ll likely run into issues with your push-ups if you’re not smart. Don’t take these sets to failure -know that this workout will be slower than ”Helen” simply from local fatigue.

Helen was last tested on 7/24/18. There is no additional strength work today.

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A: Helen (Time)

3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
Rest 1:1 before part 2

B: Ellen (Time)

3 RFT:

400 Meter Run

50/35 Push-ups

21 Pull-ups

Accessory Work

C: Metcon (No Measure)


400 Meter Sledpull Rows