Sustainable Strength

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Today’s strength work is a little bit different in format. You’ll complete all 100 reps before moving to the next movement. Choose a weight you can perform 10-15 reps per set with. Try to stay away from failure early on.
– Metcon: Set a goal for yourself today that is ”sustainable” meaning a certain output on the rower or a certain number of sets for your wall balls. This workout should resemble an 80-85% pace that’s challenging, but be manageable for the entire workout.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

20 Calorie Row

20 Wall balls

Then grab DBs and complete,

2 Sets of:

10 DB Bench Press

10 DB Rows each

10s RKC Plank

*This should allow people to experiment and find the correct weights for the strength session today.


B: Metcon (Weight)

AFAP, but not for time.

100 DB Bench Press

100 1-Arm DB Rows (50 each side)

100 Abmat Sit-ups

*All work is done before moving to next movement.

L2: (60-75 reps each)

L1: (30-50 reps each)


C: Metcon (Time)

For time:


Calories on the Rower


Wall balls (20, 14)

L2: (14, 10)

L1: (10, 8) (No sets of 40 – row ends at 30 cal and wall balls start at 30)

18:00 Time Cap

Extra Credit

D: Metcon (Weight)

Trap 3 KB Shrugs: 3 x 10-10-10. Rest 60s.

– Front + Side + Behind Back


CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Today’s strength work is a little bit different in format. You will complete all 100 reps before moving to the next movement. Choose a weight you can perform 10-15 reps per set with and stay away from failure early on. The goal of this work is purely hypertrophy work – time under tension will be high and fatigue will set in around rep 50 so being smart early important.

– Metcon: Set a goal today that is ”sustainable” but challenging meaning a certain output on the rower or a certain number of sets for your wall balls. This workout should resemble an 80-85% pace that’s challenging, be manageable for the entire workout. Remember, that rowing calories is very different vs. rowing for distance – power output will be responsible for calorie output. Hard drive phase and long recovery phase.

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A: Metcon (Weight)

AFAP, but not for time.

100 DB Bench Press

100 Inverted Rows – change grip every 25 reps.

100 Abmat Sit-ups

*All work is done before moving to next movement.


B: Metcon (Time)

For time:


Calories on the Rower


Wall balls (20, 14)

20:00 Time Cap

Accessory Work

C: Trap 3 Shrug (3 x 10-10-10. Rest 60s. – Front + Side + Behind)

Shrugs w/ weight in front.

Shrugs w/ weight by side.

Shrugs w/ weight behind.

Strength day

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Today we have several variations to train the posterior as well as the anterior chain. We’ll review each movement before we go to work. The focus is to feel the correct muscles working, get a great pump, and to be challenged while still focusing on the quality of movement.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Box Programming Lower Body Warm-up

BP Lower Warm-up Consists of:

With a barbell + foam roller + heavy band

2 Rounds of:

6 RDLs

6 Front Squats

6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

X-Band Walk x 10 Steps each direction

Foam Roll each Adductor x 10 passes each


2 Rounds of:

10 Lateral Cossack Squats (total)

10 Bird Dogs with a 3 count glute contraction on each rep (10 total reps)


B: Zercher Box Squat (Build to a heavy 1. Rest 2:00)
– Use a 13-14″ Box

– Demo of execution


C: Hip Thrust (3/5 x 8. Rest 90s.)

D: DB Box Step Ups (1/3 x 10 ea. Rest 90s.)

Hold DBs and step up alternating legs
– perform all reps on each leg before switching sides.

E: Farmer’s Carry (Max 100 Ft. Trips in 7 Minutes.)

Extra Credit

F: Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls (AMRAP – Reps)


CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Today we have several variations to train the posterior as well as the anterior chain. The focus is to feel the correct muscles working and to be challenged while still focusing on the quality of movement. Less emphasis on load today and more emphasis on taxing the correct musculature.

– Zercher Box Squat: This is a challenging variation for the quads and upper-back. The bar should stay in close to the body.
– Glute Hip Thrust (or Glute Bridge if using a bench is not an option) – 5 challenging sets that allow you to squeeze glutes hard at the top
– DB Step-ups: Unilateral variation for hip-extension. If loading choice is correct your working leg should do all of the work without assistance from trail leg.
– Farmer Carries: Core/Grip work finisher – loading be challenging to complete sets of 100-150 ft. with.

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A: Zercher Box Squat (1RM. Rest 2:00 – Just below parallel. )

B: 1 Power Snatch+ 3 Overhead Squat (Build to a heavy set, every 90s.)

C: Hip Thrust (4 x 6. Rest 90s. Building)

D: Front Rack Barbell Step Up (3 x 10 ea. Rest 90s.)

– perform all reps on one leg before switching sides.

E: Farmers Carry (2 Arm) (Max 1 lap trips in 7 minutes.)

50% of DL for total weight.

Accessory Work

F: Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls (AMRAP – Reps)
3 x 50 ea. Rest 60s.

Strong man or woman

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

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A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30 min AMRAP w/ a partner

2 laps moderately heavy sled push each (don’t alternate)

1 lap heavy farmer carry each(75% of DL) (don’t alternate)

6 Stone to shoulder to overhead each (100,80) (don’t alternate)

5 Tire Flips each(can alternate)

2 laps each DBall bearhug carry (150,100). Can alternate laps.


B: Metcon (No Measure)

Slow bike or row for 10min

Strongman Saturday

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strongman work: Strongman work is a great change of pace and will challenge you differently than will a metcon. There will be 4 different ”strongman stations” and we will rotate between them for 30 minutes. This should be hard work, but should also feel very different than a metcon. Focus on efficient movements to ”get the job done safely.” These are great, functional movements that directly translate to everyday activities.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

10 Minutes of:

“Joe DeFranco Limber 11”

Foam Roll IT Band

Foam Roll Adductors

SMR Glutes (lax ball)

Bent-knee Iron Cross

Rollovers into V-sits

Rocking Frog stretch

Fire Hydrant circles

Mountain Climbers

Cossack Squats

Seated Piriformis stretch

Rear Foot Elevated Hip Flexor stretch


10 Minutes of “Strongman” Review


B: Strongman Saturday (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

– Heavy Sledpush

– Heavy Farmer Carry

– Stone to Shoulder or Overshoulder

– Logpress

– Tire Flips

– Heavy sandbag or DBall Carry against stomach

– Wheelbarrow

– Stone Carry

*Done as AMRAP 30 with stations. Athletes can choose how much work to perform of each

*If you do not have any strongman equipment perform

*You are NOT limited to only these options


Farmer Carry x 100 Meters

Heavy Slepush or Pull x 100 Meters

Bottoms-up KB Carry x 50 feet each arm

Grip Blaster

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Today we are building to a 1RM in the Split Jerk. If you have a current number your goal is to beat that by 5#s so make sure you have a tight plan in place.
– Metcon: Today’s ”metcon” is more of grip tester. This is done with an empty barbell on purpose as your forearms will be the limiting factor. Even still, challenge yourself to go for big sets while keeping your form on point. You may be surprised how tough this one is.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Grab a barbell and a band and complete

3 rounds of BP

Upper Body Complex #2

8 Bent-over Rows

8 Muscle Cleans

8 Shoulder Press

8 Thrusters

8 Barbell Curls

15 Banded Pull-aparts

15 Banded Triceps Pushdowns


Begin your Split Jerk Review


B: Split Jerk (1RM. Rest 2:00)

– Build to a 1RM (3-4 singles above 90%)

– Beginner: Work on Technique or perform Push Press for a heavy triple.


C: Grip Blaster (Time)

For time with an empty barbell:

75 Barbell Rows (45, 35)

50 Barbell Curls

50 Barbell Strict Press

50 Barbell Rows

75 Hang Power Cleans
L2: (35, 15)

L1: (35, 15) (30 Reps per movement)

15:00 Cap

Extra Credit

Half Kneeling Low Banded Wood Chop (3 x 10 ea. Rest 60s.)

Rinse and repeat

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Today we are building to a 1RM in the Split Jerk. If you have a current number your goal is to beat that by 5#s so make sure you have a tight plan in place.

– Metcon: Today’s ”metcon” is more of grip tester. This is done with an empty barbell on purpose as your forearms will be the limiting factor. Even still, challenge yourself to go for big sets while keeping your form on point. You may be surprised how tough this one is.

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A: Split Jerk (– Build to a 1RM (3-4 singles above 90%))

B: Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press (3 x 5. Rest 90s. Find heavy 5)

Push press from behind the neck with a snatch grip


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


8 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95)

8 Push Press (135, 95)

200 Meter Run

Rest 2:00

C+: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


8 Barbell Rows (135, 95)

8 Strict HSPU

200 Meter Run

C++: Metcon (No Measure)


10 Minutes of Zone 1 Work:

Bike x 5 minutes

Row x 5 Minutes

Accessory Work

D: Half Kneeling Low Banded Wood Chop (3 x 10 ea. Rest 60s.)

Legs Legs legs

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Week 3 (final week) of Front Box Squats. All sets should be executed fast and with great technique.
– Metcon: Don’t underestimate this workout. Choose a weight that is challenging, but keep in mind that this workout is going to become very challenging after the first 50 reps. Your core and legs will both be on fire. Have a goal to complete sets of 14-20 reps at a time.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Knee Hug + Lunge + Forearm to Floor + Toe Point + Thoracic Rotation x 20 total reps


2 Rounds of:

10 X-Band Walk Right

10 Banded Goodmornings

10 X-Band Walk Left


Front Box Squats

Broad Jumps

Review Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges


B: Front Box Squats (3/8 x 2 @60-65%, every 60s.)

– 3 warm-up sets/8 work sets.

C: Metcon (Distance)

Broad Jump: 3 Attempts at Max Distance.


D: Metcon (Time)

100 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges (53, 35) (total reps between both legs)

L3: (45, 30)

L2: (35 25)

L1: (Bodyweight Walking Lunges or light DBs in suitcase/farmers carry hold)

10:00 Cap

Extra Credit

E1: Reverse Hypers (3 x 30 @50% of Back Squat. Rest 60s.)


E2: Banded Good Mornings (3 x 30. Rest 60s.)

Good mornings with band behind neck.

Hard Core

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Final week of Front Squats/Sumo Deads. Increase loading by 5% from last week while still being able to main bar velocity for all sets. Single Leg box jumps are a new explosive strength variation. Start with a lower box than you think.

– Metcon: Today’s workout is intended to crush your soul =) You’ll have to stop at least a few points during this workout – there is overlap with core demand here on purpose. There is NO TIME CAP – get it done!

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A: Front Box Squats (8 x 2 @60-70% of Front Squat, every 60s.)

– Wider than normal Squat Stance

– Parallel box

B: Deadlift against a band ( 8 x 1 @60% + band tension (roughly 25-30% of max)

C: Single Leg Box Jump (6 x 3 ea. Rest 60s.)


D: Metcon (Time)

For time:

100 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges (53, 35) (total reps between both legs)

*Every time you drop complete 30 T2B

Accessory Work

E: Metcon (No Measure)

Reverse Hypers: 3 x 30 @50% of Back Squat. Rest 60s.


GHD Back Raises: 3 x 30 @BW. Rest 60s.


Banded Goodmornings: 3 x 30. Rest 60s.