CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Today is Week #1 upper body pressing work with the push jerk based off your max from 3/29. You will complete 6 sets of 3 reps at 70-75% for all sets. Reset between reps (not touch n go.)
– Metcon: Today’s EMOM consists of 4 different movements all that should capable of being sustained for all sets. The strict pull-ups will be challenging so make sure you scale accordingly.
A: Metcon (No Measure)
With a light set of DBs and band
2 Rounds of:
Double DB Rows x 10
Rolling Triceps Extension x 20 (on floor)
Banded pull-apart (pronated grip round 1/supinated grip round 2) x 30
With an empty barbell review, the Push Jerk:
B: Push Jerk (6 x 3 @70-75% of 3/29, every 90s.)
– reset on each rep.
– Beginner: 6 x 3, starting light and adding weight each set if form permits.
C: Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM 16:
Minute 1: 8/5 Strict Pull-ups
(alternate between pronated and supinated grips)
Minute 2: 10 DB Rollback Triceps Extensions (on floor)
Minute 3: 20 DB Renegade Rows (same weight as Triceps)
Minute 4: 100 Ft. Single Arm Farmer Carry (50 ft. each, AHAP)
Rx+:(10/8 Strict Pull-ups)
Accessory Work
D: Metcon (No Measure)
Banded Triceps Complex:
50 Pushdowns
50 Supinated Grip Pushdowns
50 Banded OH Triceps
*Goal to do all 150 reps with minimal rest