CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: We’ll start off with one set of Max Reps in the Push-ups. Denote your score. All sets of DB Bench/Rows should be challenging. Build in DB weight in Bench Press, but use one weight for all 5 sets of Rows.
– Finisher: Today’s work is NOT meant to be brutally difficult, but this work should challenge your core and OH stability.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Abmat Pizza Game or Coach Choice of Fun Game x 8 Minutes.
– DB Bench Press, 1-Arm KB Rows, DB OH Carries, Russian Twists w. plate, DB Hammer Curls performing 10 reps with movements, 50 ft. with carry.
B: Push-ups (1 x Max Reps in 60s.)
~ Rx+:(1 x Max HSPU Any Style)
~ Beginner: Box Push-ups
C1: DB Bench Press (5 x 6-8. Rest 45s.)
– build in weight
C2: 1-Arm KB Row w. a pause (5 x 10 ea. Rest 45s.)
– one weight for all sets
D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10 @consistent pace:
50 Ft. OH DB Carry on Right
20 Russian Twists w. plate, (total)
50 Ft. OH DB Carry on Left
10 DB Hammer Curls