Move blood

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Metcon: the challenge is to maintain consistent output across all AMRAPs. While each AMRAP is similar there are some subtle differences that will challenge you in a different way. Nothing in these AMRAPs should elicit an output that is going to slow you down substantially

– this is by design and forcing you to rely more on aerobic metabolism. All work should be capable of being completed close to UB for the duration. That means you should be choosing a plate that is light for you. Score today is your total amount of rounds + reps. Overall, 250 meter Row intervals should remain at one constant level effort throughout – remember each AMRAP is slightly shorter than the one before it with 2 minutes in between each to allow for enough recovery to be ready to go for the next. The 30-second ”rest” interval between completed rounds is to ensure consistency but this is hardly enough time to fully recover – you will see this merely enough time to drive the heart-rate down and get to the next set.

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A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a running clock:


Row 250 Meters

15 Abmat Sit-ups

50 Double Unders

Rest 30s between Rounds

2 minutes rest at 10:00 minute mark, then part 2

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Row 250 Meters

15 G20H w. plate (45, 25)

100 Single Unders

Rest 30s between rounds

Rest 2 minutes before part 3

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Row 250 Meters

10 Walking OH Lunges w. plate (45, 25) (total)

50 Jump Rope, Single Leg jumps (25 each side)

*Score = total rounds + reps

Accessory Work

D: Metcon (No Measure)

Reverse Hyper: 2 x 25@light. Rest 60s.


Bodyweight Glute Hip Thrusts x 100. Rest 30s.

*Perform these against a band if possible

*Sets of at least 25

Subtle AMRAP

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon: Today’s piece the challenge is to maintain consistent output across all AMRAPs. While each AMRAP is similar there are some subtle differences that will challenge you in a different way. Your score today is your total amount of rounds + reps.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Alternating Tabata:

1a) Single Unders

1b) OH Plate Hold



Ground to Overhead with a plate

Walking OH Plate Lunges (total reps)

Abmat Sit-ups


Run 200 Meters


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a running clock:


Row 250 Meters

15 Abmat Sit-ups

50 Double Unders

Rest 30s between Rounds


Row 250 Meters

15 Ground to Overhead with a plate (45, 25)

100 Single Unders

Rest 30s between rounds


Row 250 Meters

10 Walking OH Lunges w. plate (45, 25) (total)

50 Jump Rope, Single Leg jumps (25 each side)

Rest 30s between rounds
L3: (35, 15)

L2: (25, 10) (Double Under Attempts)

L1: (15, 10) (Single Unders) (Walking BW Lunges)

*Score = total rounds + reps

Extra Credit

C: Reverse Hyper (2 x 25@light. Rest 60s.)


Worlds Greatest Stretch x 30s each pose.


CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– GPP: Today is the perfect day to perform some GPP work consisting of sledwork, loaded carries, and recovery work. You can push this work as hard as you’d like today based on how you’re feeling as this work will increase recovery and capacity.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Minutes of easy foam rolling

Then with a band,

20 Walking Lunges

20 Hollow Rocks

20 Scorpions (total)

20 X-Band Walks Left

20 X-Band Walks Right

20 Banded Goodmornings



– Sledpull or Push (these are heavy today)

– Front Rack BB Carry

– Recovery Options


C: Metcon (No Measure)

8 Rounds of:

60 Yard Sledpull or Push, AHAP. Rest 60s.


8 Rounds of:

30 Yard Front Rack KB Carry. Rest 60s.


10 Minutes of “Recovery”

Row, Bike, Jog, or light sledpull at a sustainable/easy pace.

Score = Your 60-day goal

Alternate Option for Sledwork:

5 Rounds of:

20 Band Resisted Russian KBS (AHAP)

20/18 Calorie Bike

Rest 1:2 (rest twice as long as it took)

Extra Credit

C: Metcon (No Measure)

100 Reps each of:

– Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls

– Banded Facepull-aparts

The day after…

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– GPP: Today is the perfect day to perform some GPP work consisting of sledwork, loaded carries, and recovery work. You can push this work as hard as you’d like today based on how you’re feeling as this work will increase recovery and capacity. We’ll get back to our normal schedule of training Thursday DE Lower on Thursday, ME Upper of Friday.

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

10 Rounds of:

60 Yard Sledpull Powerwalk or Push, AHAP. Rest 60s.


10 Rounds of:

30 Yard Front Rack Barbell Carry, (135, 95). Rest 60s.


20 Minutes of or “Recovery”

Row, Bike, Jog, or light sledpull at a sustainable/easy pace.

Score = Your 60-day goal

Accessory Work

B: Metcon (No Measure)

100 Reps each of:

– Prone Banded Hamstring Curls

– Banded Facepull-aparts


CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

Hang after for grub! Refuel. Have a beverage. Cook some food. Enjoy the company!

– Metcon: Hero workout ”Murph”. Remember that today’s workout is about digging deep when things get hard. Challenge yourself, but be smart.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Run 400 Meters as a group


Review All Scaling Options

Then complete:

2 Rounds of:

3 Pull-ups or scaling option

6 Push-ups or Box Push-ups

9 Air Squats


B: Murph (Time)

For Time:

1-Mile Run

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Air Squats

1-Mile Run

If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.
In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
To learn more about Murph click here
Rx+:(Wear a 20/10# Weighted Vest)

L2 Metcon:

For time:

1 Mile Run

5 Rounds of:

10 Pull-ups

12 Push-ups

15 Air Squats


1 Mile Run

L1 Metcon:

For time:

For time:

800m Run

5 Rounds of:

10 Ring Rows

10 Box Push-ups

15 Air Squats


800m Run

Extra Credit

C: Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Minutes of Parasymphathetic Breathing


Eat lots of food =)

3 Mile Island

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

For time in teams of 2:

1 Mile Barbell Carry (135, 95)
1 Mile Sledpull (moderate-heavy)
1 Mile Heavy Sandbag Carry

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A: Metcon (Time)

For time in teams of 2:

1 Mile Barbell Carry (135, 95)

1 Mile Sledpull (moderate-heavy)

1 Mile Heavy Sandbag Carry (100,80)

We can use the punching bag too. It’s 70 something pounds, but maybe a bit more convenient to carry.

Partner Up

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

Pick your heat time and sign up for potluck style bar-b-q

– Metcon: Today’s piece is meant to challenge your work capacity and ability to repeat efforts even though rest is built in. This can be split however you choose.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Partner Abmat Pizza Game:

*This will be done in teams of 2. Everytime one of your teammates drops their abmat you will complete a 50 ft. partner wheelbarrow.

*Note: The wheelbarrow will serve as a core/shoulder warm-up =)

*This warm-up will be done for 8 minutes then Reminder of time you’ll review Barbell Carry + Sledpull


B: Power Clean + Push Jerk (3 x 1. Rest 60s.)

*If you’re performing the “alternate option” today you’ll forgo this warm-up start warm-up all movements.


C: Metcon (Time)

For time in teams of 2:

1 Mile Barbell Carry (135, 95)

1 Mile Sledpull Powerwalk (moderate-heavy)

30:00 Time Cap

Alternate Option:

AMRAP 30 – 4 stations of:

50 Yard Sledpush

50 Yard Farmer Carry

50 Yard Stone Carry or Heavy Sandbag or DBall Carry

50 Yard Overhead KB Carry

*Rest as needed between stations and after a completed round (60s)

Extra Credit

D: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minutes of “easy” Bike or Walk

Grip Blaster

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: This week we are performing the same complex as last Tuesday (5/14), except the goal today is to beat your previous weight by 10#s using the same band tension. This is done over the course of 8 sets.

– Metcon: Today’s conditioning is more of grip tester. This is done with an empty barbell on purpose as your forearms will be the limiting factor. Do underestimate this one since it’s done with an empty bar. For most of you, I’d like to see you complete each movement in no more than 3 sets.

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A: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (8×1 building)

against a single strand band: 8 set, rest 90 seconds.

– Build to a moderate weight over the course of 8 sets.

– The goal is to beat weight achieved on 5/14 by 10#s.


B: Grip Blaster (Time)

For time with an empty barbell:

75 Barbell Rows (45, 35)

50 Barbell Curls

50 Barbell Strict Press

50 Barbell Rows

75 Hang Power Cleans

Accessory Work

C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Banded Triceps Complex

– Supinated grip pushdown (median head of triceps) x 90s Max Reps

– Neutral grip pushdown (lateral head of triceps) x 90s Max Reps

– Overhead Extension (all three heads + anconeous) x 90s Max Reps

*Try to beat total reps from last week

Light Weight = Max Out

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

Pick your heat time and sign up for potluck style bar-b-q

– Strength: This week we are performing the same complex as last Tuesday, except the goal today is to beat your previous weight by 10#s. Since we weren’t going for a max last time that should be very doable.
– Metcon: Today’s ”metcon” is intended to be light where you work for 30 seconds without stopping at a fast pace. Make no mistake, this workout will hurt though. Score today = total barbell rows completed. Shoot for 100+ reps.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Box Programming Upper Warm-up

With a barbell + foam roller + light band

2 Rounds of:

6 Bent-over Rows

6 Push Press

6 Barbell Curls

25 Banded Pull-aparts

10 Passes Foam Roller on each Lat

10 Thoracic Rotations each

Then right into a 3-Way Banded Shoulder/Lat Stretch x 30s each position


B: Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (8 x 1 + 1 + 1. Rest 90s.)

– Build to a moderate weight over the course of 8 sets.

– Goal is to beat weight achieved on 5/14 by 10#s.


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

3 Rounds of 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest with an empty barbell:

1a) Barbell Rows

1b) Barbell SDHP

1c) Barbell Curls

1d) Barbell Strict Press

1e) Abmat Sit-ups

L2/L1: (35, 15)

Score today = total barbell reps completed

Extra Credit

D: Banded Triceps Complex

– Supinated Grip Pushdown (median head of triceps) x 90s Max Reps

– Neutral Grip Pushdown (lateral head of triceps) x 90s Max Reps

– Overhead Extension (all three heads + anconeous) x 90s Max Reps

*Denote TOTAL number reps complete

Fool in the Rain

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: We’ll start a new wave for the Front Box Squat this week based off of your 1RM Front Squat. All sets should be fast/efficient. Use a slightly wider stance than normal as we want to hit the glutes, hips, hamstrings but not make this totally a posterior driven movement – there should still be plenty of contribution for the anterior chain. We are using a parallel box – the same height they used for the last cycle. This will be followed by speed pull sumo deadlifts and kneeling jumps + box jumps. The intent of this work is always speed/efficiency.

– Metcon: This is a benchmark workout that will challenge you globally and put your heart-rate near max. Effort should be high and sets should be big. We want you to challenge yourself to complete the wall balls UB. Deadlifts should be capable of being done in sets of at least 7 – touch n go. This workout was last tested on 1/24/19 so beating previous times by 60s is a reasonable goal.

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A: Dumbell Pullovers (10 x 2 @50-60% of Front Squat, every 60s.)
Wider stance than normal.

B: Sumo Deadlift Against bands (10 x 1 @50% + band tension every 30s.)

C: Kneeling jump + box jump (w. a light weighted vest: 6 x 3, every 60s.)


D: Fool in the Rain (Time)

For time:


Wallballs (20, 14)


Deadlifts (225, 155)

Rx+:(275, 185) (30, 20# Medball)

L3: (185, 125)

L2: (14, 10) (155, 105)

L1: (10, 8) (135, 95)

10:00 Cap

Accessory Work

E: Banded Alphabet (3 sets on each side. Rest 60s.)